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Support Vector Machines (SVM) in R (package 'kernlab')

Support Vector Machines (SVM) learning combines of both the instance-based nearest neighbor algorithm and the linear regression modeling.
Support Vector Machines can be imagined as a surface that creates a boundary (hyperplane) between points of data plotted in multidimensional that represents examples and their feature values. Since it is likely that the line that leads to the greatest separation will generalize the best to the future data, SVM involves a search for the Maximum Margin Hyperplane (MMH) that creates the greatest separation between the 2 classes.
If the data ara not linearly separable is used a slack variable, which creates a soft margin that allows some points to fall on the incorrect side of the margin.
But, in many real-world applications, the relationship between variables are nonlinear. A key featureof the SVMs are their ability to map the problem to a higher dimension space using a process known as the Kernel trick, this involves a process of constructing new features that express mathematical relationship between measured characteristics.
Applications of this algorithm includes: classification of microarray gene expression, text categorization or detection of rare and important events.
Here we will use breast cancer data from Winsconsin ( with a SVM algorithm to predict if a tumor is benign or malignant.

STEP1. Collecting data. Exploring and preparing the data.
breastcancer = read.csv("C:/Users/ester/Downloads/breast-cancer-wisconsin-data-data.csv", sep = "," , dec = ".", header = TRUE)
##         id diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean
## 1   842302         M       17.99        10.38         122.80    1001.0
## 2   842517         M       20.57        17.77         132.90    1326.0
## 3 84300903         M       19.69        21.25         130.00    1203.0
## 4 84348301         M       11.42        20.38          77.58     386.1
## 5 84358402         M       20.29        14.34         135.10    1297.0
## 6   843786         M       12.45        15.70          82.57     477.1
##   smoothness_mean compactness_mean concavity_mean concave.points_mean
## 1         0.11840          0.27760         0.3001             0.14710
## 2         0.08474          0.07864         0.0869             0.07017
## 3         0.10960          0.15990         0.1974             0.12790
## 4         0.14250          0.28390         0.2414             0.10520
## 5         0.10030          0.13280         0.1980             0.10430
## 6         0.12780          0.17000         0.1578             0.08089
##   symmetry_mean fractal_dimension_mean radius_se texture_se perimeter_se
## 1        0.2419                0.07871    1.0950     0.9053        8.589
## 2        0.1812                0.05667    0.5435     0.7339        3.398
## 3        0.2069                0.05999    0.7456     0.7869        4.585
## 4        0.2597                0.09744    0.4956     1.1560        3.445
## 5        0.1809                0.05883    0.7572     0.7813        5.438
## 6        0.2087                0.07613    0.3345     0.8902        2.217
##   area_se smoothness_se compactness_se concavity_se concave.points_se
## 1  153.40      0.006399        0.04904      0.05373           0.01587
## 2   74.08      0.005225        0.01308      0.01860           0.01340
## 3   94.03      0.006150        0.04006      0.03832           0.02058
## 4   27.23      0.009110        0.07458      0.05661           0.01867
## 5   94.44      0.011490        0.02461      0.05688           0.01885
## 6   27.19      0.007510        0.03345      0.03672           0.01137
##   symmetry_se fractal_dimension_se radius_worst texture_worst
## 1     0.03003             0.006193        25.38         17.33
## 2     0.01389             0.003532        24.99         23.41
## 3     0.02250             0.004571        23.57         25.53
## 4     0.05963             0.009208        14.91         26.50
## 5     0.01756             0.005115        22.54         16.67
## 6     0.02165             0.005082        15.47         23.75
##   perimeter_worst area_worst smoothness_worst compactness_worst
## 1          184.60     2019.0           0.1622            0.6656
## 2          158.80     1956.0           0.1238            0.1866
## 3          152.50     1709.0           0.1444            0.4245
## 4           98.87      567.7           0.2098            0.8663
## 5          152.20     1575.0           0.1374            0.2050
## 6          103.40      741.6           0.1791            0.5249
##   concavity_worst concave.points_worst symmetry_worst
## 1          0.7119               0.2654         0.4601
## 2          0.2416               0.1860         0.2750
## 3          0.4504               0.2430         0.3613
## 4          0.6869               0.2575         0.6638
## 5          0.4000               0.1625         0.2364
## 6          0.5355               0.1741         0.3985
##   fractal_dimension_worst  X
## 1                 0.11890 NA
## 2                 0.08902 NA
## 3                 0.08758 NA
## 4                 0.17300 NA
## 5                 0.07678 NA
## 6                 0.12440 NA
##        id            diagnosis  radius_mean      texture_mean  
##  Min.   :     8670   B:357     Min.   : 6.981   Min.   : 9.71  
##  1st Qu.:   869218   M:212     1st Qu.:11.700   1st Qu.:16.17  
##  Median :   906024             Median :13.370   Median :18.84  
##  Mean   : 30371831             Mean   :14.127   Mean   :19.29  
##  3rd Qu.:  8813129             3rd Qu.:15.780   3rd Qu.:21.80  
##  Max.   :911320502             Max.   :28.110   Max.   :39.28  
##  perimeter_mean     area_mean      smoothness_mean   compactness_mean 
##  Min.   : 43.79   Min.   : 143.5   Min.   :0.05263   Min.   :0.01938  
##  1st Qu.: 75.17   1st Qu.: 420.3   1st Qu.:0.08637   1st Qu.:0.06492  
##  Median : 86.24   Median : 551.1   Median :0.09587   Median :0.09263  
##  Mean   : 91.97   Mean   : 654.9   Mean   :0.09636   Mean   :0.10434  
##  3rd Qu.:104.10   3rd Qu.: 782.7   3rd Qu.:0.10530   3rd Qu.:0.13040  
##  Max.   :188.50   Max.   :2501.0   Max.   :0.16340   Max.   :0.34540  
##  concavity_mean    concave.points_mean symmetry_mean   
##  Min.   :0.00000   Min.   :0.00000     Min.   :0.1060  
##  1st Qu.:0.02956   1st Qu.:0.02031     1st Qu.:0.1619  
##  Median :0.06154   Median :0.03350     Median :0.1792  
##  Mean   :0.08880   Mean   :0.04892     Mean   :0.1812  
##  3rd Qu.:0.13070   3rd Qu.:0.07400     3rd Qu.:0.1957  
##  Max.   :0.42680   Max.   :0.20120     Max.   :0.3040  
##  fractal_dimension_mean   radius_se        texture_se      perimeter_se   
##  Min.   :0.04996        Min.   :0.1115   Min.   :0.3602   Min.   : 0.757  
##  1st Qu.:0.05770        1st Qu.:0.2324   1st Qu.:0.8339   1st Qu.: 1.606  
##  Median :0.06154        Median :0.3242   Median :1.1080   Median : 2.287  
##  Mean   :0.06280        Mean   :0.4052   Mean   :1.2169   Mean   : 2.866  
##  3rd Qu.:0.06612        3rd Qu.:0.4789   3rd Qu.:1.4740   3rd Qu.: 3.357  
##  Max.   :0.09744        Max.   :2.8730   Max.   :4.8850   Max.   :21.980  
##     area_se        smoothness_se      compactness_se      concavity_se    
##  Min.   :  6.802   Min.   :0.001713   Min.   :0.002252   Min.   :0.00000  
##  1st Qu.: 17.850   1st Qu.:0.005169   1st Qu.:0.013080   1st Qu.:0.01509  
##  Median : 24.530   Median :0.006380   Median :0.020450   Median :0.02589  
##  Mean   : 40.337   Mean   :0.007041   Mean   :0.025478   Mean   :0.03189  
##  3rd Qu.: 45.190   3rd Qu.:0.008146   3rd Qu.:0.032450   3rd Qu.:0.04205  
##  Max.   :542.200   Max.   :0.031130   Max.   :0.135400   Max.   :0.39600  
##  concave.points_se   symmetry_se       fractal_dimension_se
##  Min.   :0.000000   Min.   :0.007882   Min.   :0.0008948   
##  1st Qu.:0.007638   1st Qu.:0.015160   1st Qu.:0.0022480   
##  Median :0.010930   Median :0.018730   Median :0.0031870   
##  Mean   :0.011796   Mean   :0.020542   Mean   :0.0037949   
##  3rd Qu.:0.014710   3rd Qu.:0.023480   3rd Qu.:0.0045580   
##  Max.   :0.052790   Max.   :0.078950   Max.   :0.0298400   
##   radius_worst   texture_worst   perimeter_worst    area_worst    
##  Min.   : 7.93   Min.   :12.02   Min.   : 50.41   Min.   : 185.2  
##  1st Qu.:13.01   1st Qu.:21.08   1st Qu.: 84.11   1st Qu.: 515.3  
##  Median :14.97   Median :25.41   Median : 97.66   Median : 686.5  
##  Mean   :16.27   Mean   :25.68   Mean   :107.26   Mean   : 880.6  
##  3rd Qu.:18.79   3rd Qu.:29.72   3rd Qu.:125.40   3rd Qu.:1084.0  
##  Max.   :36.04   Max.   :49.54   Max.   :251.20   Max.   :4254.0  
##  smoothness_worst  compactness_worst concavity_worst  concave.points_worst
##  Min.   :0.07117   Min.   :0.02729   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.00000     
##  1st Qu.:0.11660   1st Qu.:0.14720   1st Qu.:0.1145   1st Qu.:0.06493     
##  Median :0.13130   Median :0.21190   Median :0.2267   Median :0.09993     
##  Mean   :0.13237   Mean   :0.25427   Mean   :0.2722   Mean   :0.11461     
##  3rd Qu.:0.14600   3rd Qu.:0.33910   3rd Qu.:0.3829   3rd Qu.:0.16140     
##  Max.   :0.22260   Max.   :1.05800   Max.   :1.2520   Max.   :0.29100     
##  symmetry_worst   fractal_dimension_worst    X          
##  Min.   :0.1565   Min.   :0.05504         Mode:logical  
##  1st Qu.:0.2504   1st Qu.:0.07146         NA's:569      
##  Median :0.2822   Median :0.08004                       
##  Mean   :0.2901   Mean   :0.08395                       
##  3rd Qu.:0.3179   3rd Qu.:0.09208                       
##  Max.   :0.6638   Max.   :0.20750
breastcan = breastcancer[-c(1,33)] #we don't need the first and last columns
## 'data.frame':    569 obs. of  31 variables:
##  $ diagnosis              : Factor w/ 2 levels "B","M": 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ...
##  $ radius_mean            : num  18 20.6 19.7 11.4 20.3 ...
##  $ texture_mean           : num  10.4 17.8 21.2 20.4 14.3 ...
##  $ perimeter_mean         : num  122.8 132.9 130 77.6 135.1 ...
##  $ area_mean              : num  1001 1326 1203 386 1297 ...
##  $ smoothness_mean        : num  0.1184 0.0847 0.1096 0.1425 0.1003 ...
##  $ compactness_mean       : num  0.2776 0.0786 0.1599 0.2839 0.1328 ...
##  $ concavity_mean         : num  0.3001 0.0869 0.1974 0.2414 0.198 ...
##  $ concave.points_mean    : num  0.1471 0.0702 0.1279 0.1052 0.1043 ...
##  $ symmetry_mean          : num  0.242 0.181 0.207 0.26 0.181 ...
##  $ fractal_dimension_mean : num  0.0787 0.0567 0.06 0.0974 0.0588 ...
##  $ radius_se              : num  1.095 0.543 0.746 0.496 0.757 ...
##  $ texture_se             : num  0.905 0.734 0.787 1.156 0.781 ...
##  $ perimeter_se           : num  8.59 3.4 4.58 3.44 5.44 ...
##  $ area_se                : num  153.4 74.1 94 27.2 94.4 ...
##  $ smoothness_se          : num  0.0064 0.00522 0.00615 0.00911 0.01149 ...
##  $ compactness_se         : num  0.049 0.0131 0.0401 0.0746 0.0246 ...
##  $ concavity_se           : num  0.0537 0.0186 0.0383 0.0566 0.0569 ...
##  $ concave.points_se      : num  0.0159 0.0134 0.0206 0.0187 0.0188 ...
##  $ symmetry_se            : num  0.03 0.0139 0.0225 0.0596 0.0176 ...
##  $ fractal_dimension_se   : num  0.00619 0.00353 0.00457 0.00921 0.00511 ...
##  $ radius_worst           : num  25.4 25 23.6 14.9 22.5 ...
##  $ texture_worst          : num  17.3 23.4 25.5 26.5 16.7 ...
##  $ perimeter_worst        : num  184.6 158.8 152.5 98.9 152.2 ...
##  $ area_worst             : num  2019 1956 1709 568 1575 ...
##  $ smoothness_worst       : num  0.162 0.124 0.144 0.21 0.137 ...
##  $ compactness_worst      : num  0.666 0.187 0.424 0.866 0.205 ...
##  $ concavity_worst        : num  0.712 0.242 0.45 0.687 0.4 ...
##  $ concave.points_worst   : num  0.265 0.186 0.243 0.258 0.163 ...
##  $ symmetry_worst         : num  0.46 0.275 0.361 0.664 0.236 ...
##  $ fractal_dimension_worst: num  0.1189 0.089 0.0876 0.173 0.0768 ...
The data we are going to work with has a dimention of 569 rows and 31 columns.

STEP2. Creating training and testing datasets
We will divide our data into two different sets: a training dataset that will be used to build the model and a test dataset that will be used to estimate the predictive accuracy of the model.
The dataset will be divided into training (67%) and testing (33%) sets, we create the data sets using the caret package:

train_ind= createDataPartition(y = breastcan$diagnosis,p = 0.67,list = FALSE)
train = breastcan[train_ind,]
##    diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean
## 2          M       20.57        17.77         132.90
## 4          M       11.42        20.38          77.58
## 5          M       20.29        14.34         135.10
## 8          M       13.71        20.83          90.20
## 9          M       13.00        21.82          87.50
## 10         M       12.46        24.04          83.97
test = breastcan[-train_ind,]
##    diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean
## 1          M       17.99        10.38         122.80
## 3          M       19.69        21.25         130.00
## 6          M       12.45        15.70          82.57
## 7          M       18.25        19.98         119.60
## 15         M       13.73        22.61          93.60
## 19         M       19.81        22.15         130.00
The training set has 383 samples, and the testing set has 186 samples.

3.1. STEP3. Training a model on the data
## Warning: package 'kernlab' was built under R version 3.4.1
## Attaching package: 'kernlab'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     alpha
classifier = ksvm(diagnosis~., data=train, kernel="vanilladot")
##  Setting default kernel parameters
## Support Vector Machine object of class "ksvm" 
## SV type: C-svc  (classification) 
##  parameter : cost C = 1 
## Linear (vanilla) kernel function. 
## Number of Support Vectors : 32 
## Objective Function Value : -17.8795 
## Training error : 0.013055

3.2. STEP4. Evaluatig model performance
predictions = predict(classifier,test)
## [1] M M M M M M
## Levels: B M
table(predictions, test$diagnosis)
## predictions   B   M
##           B 116   4
##           M   1  65
agreement = predictions == test$diagnosis
## agreement
##     5   181
## agreement
##  0.03  0.97
confu1 = confusionMatrix(predictions, test$diagnosis , positive = 'B')
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   B   M
##          B 116   4
##          M   1  65
##                Accuracy : 0.9731          
##                  95% CI : (0.9384, 0.9912)
##     No Information Rate : 0.629           
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16 0.3711="" 0.6237="" 0.6290="" 0.6452="" 0.9419="" 0.9420="" 0.9667="" 0.9848="" 0.9915="" :="" accuracy="" b="" balanced="" class="" code="" detection="" kappa="" mcnemar="" neg="" ositive="" p-value="" pos="" pred="" prevalence="" rate="" s="" sensitivity="" specificity="" test="" value="">
The accuracy of the lineal SVM model is 97.31 %, whit an error rate of 2.69 %.
The kappa statistic of the model is 0.94.
The sensitivity of the model:0.99
The specificity of the model:0.94.
The precision of the model:0.97

4.1. STEP3. Training a model on the data.
classifier_rbf = ksvm(diagnosis~., data=train, kernel="rbfdot")
## Support Vector Machine object of class "ksvm" 
## SV type: C-svc  (classification) 
##  parameter : cost C = 1 
## Gaussian Radial Basis kernel function. 
##  Hyperparameter : sigma =  0.0435261207779676 
## Number of Support Vectors : 102 
## Objective Function Value : -44.2339 
## Training error : 0.010444

4.2. STEP4. Evaluating model performance
predictions_rbf = predict(classifier_rbf,test)
## [1] M M M M M M
## Levels: B M
table(predictions_rbf, test$diagnosis)
## predictions_rbf   B   M
##               B 115   5
##               M   2  64
agreement = predictions_rbf == test$diagnosis
## agreement
##     7   179
## agreement
##  0.04  0.96
confu2 = confusionMatrix(predictions_rbf, test$diagnosis , positive = 'B')
## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction   B   M
##          B 115   5
##          M   2  64
##                Accuracy : 0.9624         
##                  95% CI : (0.924, 0.9847)
##     No Information Rate : 0.629          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : <2e-16 0.4497="" 0.6183="" 0.6290="" 0.6452="" 0.9186="" 0.9275="" 0.9552="" 0.9583="" 0.9697="" 0.9829="" :="" accuracy="" b="" balanced="" class="" code="" detection="" kappa="" mcnemar="" neg="" ositive="" p-value="" pos="" pred="" prevalence="" rate="" s="" sensitivity="" specificity="" test="" value="">
The accuracy of the lineal SVM model is 96.24 %, whit an error rate of 3.76 %.
The kappa statistic of the model is 0.92.
The sensitivity of the model:0.98
The specificity of the model:0.93.
The precision of the model:0.96.

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